Alex Rivers, son of Alan, has always had an indirect involvement with the work of the Rivers Foundation through visiting projects with his father from a young age. Now increasingly involved in the running of the family business, Alex has expressed great interest in supporting the Rivers Foundation as a consultant, in helping to identify and present further projects that the Foundation might support.
Having graduated from the University of Nottingham with a degree in Economics, with a particular interest in Development Economics, Alex is well suited to finding strong causes, supported by trustworthy teams, as well as promoting projects to which the Foundation can give on-going support.
Always interested in travel and culture, he spent a year living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to gain experience in a developing country. In 2012, the Foundation invited Alex to find a local institution deserving of its support. UMPMRS (Unioa de Mulheres pra melhoramente de Roupa Suja) is based in one of the largest and poorest favelas in South America and the first bursary was used to create a new classroom for 12 young children.